08 November, 2008

Vaccinations: Helpful or Harmful?

I wrote this for my senior research paper. I could have added so much more information, but was restricted by time and length.

Vaccinations: Helpful or Harmful?
Tuesday, May 16th, 2006

Questioning and researching vaccinations is becoming more common. More and more parents are deciding not to have their children vaccinated because of what they found out when they did their research. I felt the risks associated with vaccination was higher than the benefits of vaccinating. The diseases vaccinated against are so rare now, due to sanitation and germ awareness. The side-effects of vaccinations are more common. I don’t even want my daughter having so much as a fever if she doesn’t need to. Proudly, she is 2 years old and has never been sick, and I attribute part of this to the fact that I haven’t bombarded her immune system with things such as formaldehyde, aluminum, mercury, and aborted fetal tissue. (Harris n.p.).

Vaccines contain harmful, and even cancer causing ingredients, such as Formaldehyde, Phenol, Lactalbumin Hydrolysate, Aluminum Phosphate, Glutaraldehyde, Polysorbate 20/80, Beta-propiolactone, Anti-freeze (found in the Polio vaccine), Mycoplasma, and Mercury. Other ingredients include: aborted human fetal tissue, latex, human and animal viruses, foreign DNA, and gelatin (which is bad if you’re Muslim, where putting gelatin into your body is forbidden.). This is only a sample of what is in these supposedly “safe” vaccinations. All of these ingredients are harmful to the human body and cause many things such as kidney disorders, convulsions, behavioral disorders, cancer, joint pain, sterility, and blood disorders. Vaccines have been linked with brain damage, lower I.Q., ADD, other learning disabilities, and autism.

Vaccinations compromise one’s immune system. Hugh H. Fudenberg, MD, considered by many to be one of the leading immunologists of our times, has pointed out that there is a uniquely close association between the nervous system and the immune system with many cell receptors common to both systems. (Singh, VK, Fudenberg HH. 47)
“If immunologic injuries are brought about by vaccines, it is reasonable to assume that they may at times be transferred to the brain and nervous system, this, in turn, can result in various forms of neurobehavioral problems.” (Coulter, HL. n.p.) Non-vaccinated children are generally healthier than vaccinated children. Vaccines ruin the body’s natural ability to fight off disease, and they suppress our immune system making us more vulnerable to disease. When a virus enters our nasal or oral passages, white blood cells respond to move in and destroy the invading virus. It is then inactivated before it enters our body. Immunity is strengthened through nutrition, not by injecting toxins into our blood stream. Lack of nutrition, along with vaccinations, will weaken the immune system. Having a nutritious diet will make your immune system stronger and it will have a greater chance of being open to attack viruses. Also, vaccines are connected to SIDS. “Both national and international studies have shown vaccination to be a cause of SIDS (SIDS is “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,” a “catch all” diagnosis given when the specific cause of death is unknown; estimates range from 5,000 - 10,000 cases each year in the U.S.). (Dudley 102)

Vaccinations are also a leading cause of autism. Before the 1950’s or so children weren’t vaccinated until they were ready for school at age 6. Autism was very uncommon then. “The Centers for Disease Control in a report released in April 2000 found the incidence of autism in Brick Township, New Jersey in 1998 was 1 in 150 children, which may be more reflective of the true rate of autism in the U.S. today.” (Autism & Vaccines….n.p.). The rate of autism is steadily rising.

Vaccinations are not even 100% effective. “There is no such thing as a “Perfect” vaccine which protects everyone who receives it AND is entirely safe for everyone” (WHO n.p.) In other words, even if you do get vaccinated, you are still able to get the disease which you were vaccinated against.

In conclusion, vaccines are not 100% effective, they contain harmful ingredients, they suppress your immune system, and they have serious side effects, which include autism, SIDS, behavior problems and convulsions, to name a few.


Autism & Vaccines: A New Look At An Old Story. 909shot.com. 2000 15 http://www.909shot.com/Diseases/autismsp.htm

Coulter, H.L. Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books; 1990. Dudley, William. Epidemics Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, Cali: Lucent Books Inc., 1992. 102.

Harris, Lea. Personal Interview. 15 May 2006

Singh, VK, Fudenberg, H.H. Can blood immunocytes be used to study neuropsychiatric disorders? 1986. 592-595. J Clin Psychiatry 47 (12).

What is the recommended childhood immunization schedule? Vaccineprotection.com. 2006. 15 May 2006 http://www.vaccineprotection.com/professional/faq.cfmWorld Health Organization (WHO). Adverse events following immunization (AEFI). who.int. 2006. 15 May 2006 http://who.int/immunization_safety/aefi/en/

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